Music for Your Pleasure

Chinese New Year Tiger Wishes???

Isn't this a very cute picture from a circus performance...
I don't know how could they teach them to go to such a position. Plus, they are only cubs.
I guess this just goes to show that people are willing to alter the natural just to gain money.

I personally believe that the cubs under went some brutal training to go to such a position in order to master it at such a young age.

I feel really sorry for the tigers
as many of them no longer have
the experience of living in the wild and
almost all of them live in captivity.

I just hope the countries that promise
to increase their number of tigers
make it reality rather than an empty promise.

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

A few Chinese New Year Youtube Videos

I am terribly sorry that I can only find nice Chinese New Year videosin Chinese so I deeply regret to say that non-Chinese educated audience would not be able to enjoy these videos a lot.
And of course, no Chinese New Year would be complete without some lion dances so please enjoy and by the way there is an Indian man singing in there. Thinking about it makes me feel proud that many Hwa Chong boys are bilingual or even trilingual. Some Chinese from overseas cannot speak their mother tongue because of their childhood up-bringing and education system. I deeply sympathize with them and hope that they will have the opportunity and interest to learn their mother tongue later on in life

A very interesting song od rather 'rap'...

I find it rather interesting, the story line rather well planned.
In addition, his actions are rather hilarious as well as his 'rapping'.
I find the theme song rather...well..
It is beyond my descriptive capabilities but most important
it is a rather special way of talking like a 'rapper'.
Hope you will enjoy!!!